Confidently delivering adjustments with precision accuracy.
Dr. Arthur Brennan utilizes a variety of adjusting styles and instruments including, but not limited to, the following to ensure each patient is given an adjustment tailored to their unique needs and comfort level:
Full-Spine Manual Diversified: A strong adjustment the patient can both feel and hear.
Thompson: An adjustment on a table that drops down using less force than manual.
Activator: The most gentle adjustment available with a small instrument that goes click.
ArthroStim: An impulse instrument stronger than activator but gentler than manual.
Webster: A special adjustment to help align the sacrum and hips of a pregnant woman.
Children: Dr. Brennan is skilled at gentle adjusting for all children, including newborns.
How is the adjustment performed?
"Chiropractic adjustment or manipulation is a manual procedure that utilizes the highly refined skills developed during the doctor of chiropractic’s intensive years of chiropractic education. The chiropractic physician typically uses his or her hands—or an instrument— to manipulate the joints of the body, particularly the spine, in order to restore or enhance joint function. This often helps resolve joint inflammation and reduces the patient’s pain. Chiropractic manipulation is a highly controlled procedure that rarely causes discomfort. The chiropractor adapts the procedure to meet the specific needs of each patient. Patients often note positive changes in their symptoms immediately following treatment."